Demo? Real! Demo Reels that Pop- Lynnette R. Freeman
"These spots sound so real I'm expecting residuals!"
For those just trying to find their way in the world of voice acting, one of the steps along the way is making a demo reel. Does everyone need one? No! People have found agents without every going through the process. Generally speaking, however, your demo reel becomes your calling card. It is a representation of the best of your abilities, and a way for agents to hear you shine. But when is it time to make one?
"These spots sound so real I'm expecting residuals
If you're serious about becoming a voice actor, you should be studying with a great coach. Do your research. See who people like. There are lots of great ones out there. A good coach will let you know when it's time to make your first demo reel. A good demo reel producer won't take your money if you're not really ready. As I type this, we're still in Covid times. The odds are pretty good that you'll be doing your first demo reel from your home, so it's important to be ready. The added benefit is being able to proudly tell potential agents that this demo reel reflects your great home setup. If you're not sure what makes a home studio broadcast ready, keep an eye on the events tab and consider my Home Studio Primer webinar, where I get into detail on all the options and what to watch out for.

It was after one of those webinars that I was contacted by Lynnette R. Freeman. She consulted with me on equipment suggestions and getting her closet converted into a booth. Shortly after that, we worked together to produce her first demo reel! After hearing some of the spots, she emailed to say "These sound so real, I'm expecting residuals!". She definitely hit it out of the park! After spending some time selecting copy that worked to show her range, we had several directed sessions. I then added music and sound design, and treated each of the five spots as if they were for my day to day agency clients. Once we were both happy, I assembled the finished reel.
Lynnette is signed with Innovative Artists, and has already booked TV and Radio commercials for Allstate- and is SAG/AFTRA. Hearing this made me incredibly proud!
If you have questions or want to know more about how I handle demo reels, feel free to reach out!