Critical Connectivity- Getting your voice out to the world!

By now, most voice actors using Source Connect know how to make their interface talk to the software to send their voice down the line.
You might even have a handle on simultaneously sending your voice to Zoom or Skype.
But what if you want to play back takes from your recording software while the clients or studio are on the line? While Source Connect comes with a plugin that allows that for some DAWs, what if it doesn't work with yours? What if you also want to add a little light noise removal while sending your voice down Source Connect?
What if I told you that you can connect ANY DAW or recording program to Source Connect or Zoom to allow for ALL of this!
On Thursday, 11/19 at 9PM EST, I'll be hosting a small class to show you how to make it all happen (Mac users only!). You'll learn how to:
• Properly integrate Source Connect into the DAWs that it works with directly.
• Connect ANY DAW to Source Connect or Zoom for effortless playback of takes.
• Do noise removal on the way down the line to gently remove basic noise.
... and more!
For details on the class, please click hear. Space is limited, but there are still a few slots available.